
PAKISTAN, March 16, 2015 (Pakistan Today): Pakistan Hindu Council Patron-In-Chief MNA Dr Ramesh Kumar Vankwani has highly appreciated the services of newly-appointed National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) chairman, saying that progress made by him for the preparation of Hindu marriage and death certificates is remarkable. [Marriage certificates are to date only issued for Muslims and Christians in Pakistan, not for Hindus. See:]

Dr Ramesh Kumar Vankwani says removal of hate-material from school curriculum is also a remarkable victory of minorities. Talking to the journalists outside the Supreme Court on Thursday he said that he himself presented the NADRA certificates sample copies to the two-member apex court, headed by the chief justice, on Thursday during the hearing regarding minorities’ rights.

Moreover, the Supreme Court has ordered other provincial governments to offer hate-free syllabus also, Dr Vankwani informed, terming this a great victory of all minorities living in Pakistan and acknowledged them for their successful struggle.

For more on the curriculum isses in Pakistan, see

One quote: “An editorial in Pakistan’s oldest newspaper Dawn commenting on a report in The Guardian on Pakistani Textbooks noted ‘By propagating concepts such as jihad, the inferiority of non-Muslims, India’s ingrained enmity with Pakistan, etc., the textbook board publications used by all government schools promote a mindset that is bigoted and obscurantist. Since there are more children studying in these schools than in madrassas the damage done is greater.”