
LONDON, ENGLAND, March 23, 2015 (Press Release from National Council of Hindu Temples UK): Following a series of meetings between prominent and influential members of Oxford University’s academic faculty and members of the Oxford India Society on Friday, March 20th, a decision was taken to cancel the lectures of Dr. Subramaniam Swami and Rajiv Malhotra during an April 3 to 6th event at Oxford University, citing ‘logistical and internal issues.’ We [NCHTUK] have asked for further clarification as to the reasons and justification and await clarification. In light of this very significant development, Shri Rajiv Malhotraji who had been battling health issues to ensure his participation at the events, has now bowed to his physicians recommendation not to travel, and will be participating fully in all of the remaining events by live video conference. Dr. Subramanian Swamy remains undeterred and unsurprised and will be present and will join the other speakers at the remaining events as planned.

Dr. Subramanian Swamy was to speak on “Economic development over the years and new reforms need to take India forward,” and Rajiv Malhotra on “Rethinking Indian history based on the book Breaking India: Western interventions in Dravidian and Dalit faultlines.”

“We are stunned that a leading British University that should be championing free speech and freedom of thought, has taken such a cowardly decision. We cannot allow the appeasement of extremists to stifle cherished values and I fear this decision will reflect very badly on Oxford University and their much publicized “free rigorous thinking” credentials.” Satish K Sharma, General Secretary, National Council of Hindu Temples (UK)

Of interest will be this online petition (mostly aimed at Dr. Subramaniam Swami) by “Oxford Students” on requesting the lectures be cancelled:

And this somewhat defensive post by the same group when the lectures actually were canceled, apparently to their surprise: