
INDIA, April 15, 2015 (ShankhNaad, by Rahul Priyadarshi): [HPI note: This article includes a number of images to tweets. We’ve reproduced a few here, but to get the full impact, go to the article at “source” above.]

Christian evangelical organisations work for conversion, not charity, suggested Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagvat a while back in what became a raging controversy. He stands vindicated time and again with the acts of Soul Harvesters feasting upon the heathens with their book and their bigotry, the latest of which can be seen post Nepal disaster these days.

The earthquake hit Nepal (and parts of Northern & Eastern India) yesterday at 11 and then past 12. The Government of India convened an emergency meet at 3pm, the entire rescue and disaster relief convoys were ready by evening and were dispatched within an hour of this meeting. Rescue operations were on full swing by 6 in the evening. As a matter of fact, first batch of rescuers started arriving before midnight, thankful to the disaster management teams for their swift action. However, more swift than any government, were the soul harvesters, rejoicing at the opportunity to take Jesus to the unreached. Sources say, most of the ‘Western’ civilians stuck in the Nepal Earthquake are evangelists who went there for conversion. Nothing surprising there as the third world provides plenty of ripe opportunities for the same.

Several expressing their bigotry in a blunt manner on Twitter. Complaining of their bigotry on any other day would itself be labelled a bigoted opinion had one not witnessed the sick alacrity with which the news of quake was shared among the greedy evangelists in India and abroad.

Example of tweets:

Pray that the primarily Hindu and Buddhist people of Nepal come to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

Praying for the people of Nepal. The 10-40 window to share Jesus is opening greater than ever

If earthquake can reduce idol’s temple to this [with a picture of the collapsed Dharahara Tower, which was originally a military watch tower, and later just an observation place, but not a temple], then it’s not God!

Pray for the people of Nepal and that believers there will have a chance to meet needs and share the gospel after today’s earthquake

Praying for the manifestation of the gospel in this time of pain in Nepal

Our heart goes to the nation of Nepal. May you know the Lord Jesus Christ in these times of trouble

Praying for those affected in Nepal this AM. May the fields be ready for harvest as four of our own will be there in a month!