
UNITED STATES, May 26, 2015 (Telugu People, from a press release): South Asian Youth Symposium at the White House spearheaded by North America Telugu Society was a Thunder success! Close to 200 South Asian youth got the opportunity to be part of a prestigious event. With the support from the White House, NATS leadership, Chapter Coordinators and other volunteers, the conference was elegantly executed by the NATS team.

The conference started with the youth’s American National Anthem followed by the introduction by the White House associate director of public engagement office Aditi Hardikar. The event then started with remarks by Swami Chidatmananda followed by the panel discussions on Public service, Career and Leadership development, Bullying, and First Lady, Mrs. Obama’s, Let’s Move initiative. There was a tremendous participation from the youth in these discussions and they received educative information from panelists like, Jackie Dao- Office of the First Lady, Zaid Hassan–Office of Public Engagement, Ashwain Jain–U.S department of HUD, VirumAiyer-NEC, Parag Mehta–Office of Surgeon general, Sarada Peri–Senior Presidential Speech Writer, and Jyothi Jasrasaria–U.S Trade representative.