
INDIA, June 21, 2015 (The Hindu): Vasant Jajoo once sat in front of the computer for hours to beat deadlines. But six years ago, he decided to opt for the road less travelled. Mr. Jajoo is among the youngsters in Bengaluru, who have given up their office jobs and trained themselves to become yoga instructors. They say the transition was more than just a “career switch”; it was choosing a different way of living.

He, for instance, holds a Master’s degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He bid goodbye to the telecom software industry after 17 years. “The corporate lifestyle did not suit me. Monetarily it was very rewarding, but I led a mechanical life and there was little physical activity,” he says. He has since trained around 500 students. Interestingly, this career switch has not necessarily meant opting for a life of penury. With corporate companies also starting yoga training in their offices as stress management activities and individuals opting for personalized yoga classes, trainers say opportunities are increasing and the money is good.