
NEW YORK, August 10, 2015 (Yogadork): The top of the Empire State Building is famous for its specially themed lighting (green for St. Patrick’s Day, rainbow for Gay Pride, etc.) but recently we’ve been treated to much more of a show, along with a deeper message. Last week, huge images of endangered animals were projected on the building’s facade as part of Projecting Change an art exhibition by filmmaker Louie Psihoyos. Drawing attention to wildlife extinction the show shed light, literally, on the human impact on these creatures, including the most recent killing of Cecil the Lion. It also highlighted some hope/urgency in the form of an enormous and magical Kali, the Hindu Goddess of darkness, designed by artist Android Jones, which closed out the exhibition.

The dark mother of time, change, power and destruction, Kali was summoned to signify the reality of darkness and the wake-up call to alter our ways. “This Kali apparition over Manhattan may be our last warning. Fierce protectress of truth, she tells it like it is, she beckons us to dive into the dark, to face the stark reality of the global ecological crisis upon us, and to let heartbreak be the ground from which we awaken and serve.” (via Rebelle Society)

Photos at source.