
SOUTH AFRICA, September 24, 2015 (News24): Panorama Gardens residents said that a proposed Hindu center in their suburb is not welcome. They said the religious facility is unnecessary in the predominantly Zulu-speaking area and other facilities like sports and recreational activities should take priority. Residents, who took to the streets, said that a proposed “Sai Centre” to be built in the neighborhood, is unacceptable.

However, developer Dev Chetty said that an industrial complex was to be built on the site, on the corner of Birmingham Road and Naven Boulevard, with a spiritual centre as an addition. There would be a commercial component, 32 business sites, and a religious site. Chetty said there had been consultation with the community during the environmental impact assessment process, and there had been no objections to the development then. He suspected the objection and protests were being driven by people currently living on the land.

Chetty said the religious centre would be a non-denominational facility run by the Sathya Sai organisation. It would offer free medical care, soup kitchens and facilities for the youth, all of which would benefit the community.