PORT-OF-SPAIN, TRINIDAD/TOBAGO, October 22, 2015 (HPI by Paras Ramoutar): India’s “Z TV” will broadcast this year’s Divali Nagar worldwide and a team of television staff is due shortly for the opening which runs from Sunday November 1 to Monday November 9, according to Surujdeo Mangroo, public relations officer of the National Council Indian Culture(NCIC). “Z TV” is well-known to Trinidad and Caribbean audiences. It is a cable and satellite broadcasting entity based in Mumbai, India.

The theme for this year’s Divali Nagar is, “Devi Maa”(Divine Mother) as the NCIC hosts its 29th annual Divali Nagar with a series of social, cultural and religious programs. Mangaroo said that during the nine-day affair several international artistes from India, USA and the Caribbean will entertain the thousands of patrons projected to attend. “Divali Nagar is now permanently etched its mark on the annual calendar of cultural activities, and it is projected that over 100,000 patrons will attend. The figure keep growing annually.”

Dr. Deokienanan Sharma, president, said that Divali Nagar continues to be the premier Indo-Trinidadian cultural exposition and has become the lateral foundation on which the original objectives of the NCIC, that of preservation, promotion and advancement of Indian culture, is being supported and promulgated. “The NCIC was formed in 1964 at a time when Indo-Trinidadian culture was on the back burner of our country’s cultural space, when little or no recognition and as well, little or no financial support from the state, of the cultural and religious practices produced by over 40 per cent of our multi-ethnic and multi-cultural and multi-religious national citizenry,” he said.