
INDIA, November 8, 2015 (Christian Messenger): The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh on Friday demanded that religious places belonging to Muslims and Christians should be brought under the State Endowment Commissioner’s purview to keep an eye on their sources of income. “For Hindus there is an Endowment Commissioner. But there is no such body or public authority for Muslims and Christians. As there is no regulating authority there is no impediment to the their spread. As increase in Christian and Muslim population would soon be a demographic challenge, there is a need to keep an eye on their financial sources,” said Prant Sanghchalak (eastern Odisha) of RSS Samir Kumar Mohanty, while briefing reporters about the resolutions passed by Akhila Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal, the highest executive body of RSS last week in Ranchi.

Apart from 16,000 temples and over 450 mutts, the Odisha Hindu Religious Endowments (Amendment) Act 2012 extends to Jain or Buddhist institutions and endowments. Mohanty said, of late there is an attempt to spread hatred against some Hindu religious leaders in Odisha on the pretext that they are taking people for a ride. “For Hindu religious leaders there are restrictions. But there is no such bar for other religions,” he alleged.

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