
SAN LEANDRO, CALIFORNIA, December 23, 2015 (India West): “It’s time we stop apologizing for our skin color, language and culture,” says the woman behind the viral hashtag #SareeNotSorry, a campaign to discourage negative attitudes of people towards Indian Americans and bring attention to the positive aspects of Indian culture.

Meet Tanya Rawal, an Indian American professor at the University of California, Riverside. Since September, using the hashtag #SareeNotSorry, Rawal has been tweeting and instagramming pictures of herself wearing sarees in myriad colors and fabrics, sometimes accessorized with a belt and boots. At first, the idea was just a teaching experiment.

“My experiment was on what does it mean to be brown and a woman, and I was hoping to generate some questions in the class around being a minority in this country,” Rawal told India-West by phone from Riverside. But what started as a teaching experiment ten weeks ago has become a full-blown movement on social media, with women across the world posting pictures of themselves in sarees, using the hashtag she started.

Much more at “source” above.