
GREAT BRITAIN, June 2, 2016 (New Asian Post): The influential think tank, the Dharmic Ideas Policy Foundation, is urging Asian voluntary organizations to join it in calling for a repeal of the caste discrimination clause provision in the Equality Act 2010. The Foundation believes that voluntary organizations and community groups are unaware of the huge implications of its effect on their work at a local level.

“Given the persistence in recent months of the groups advocating the enactment of the caste provision in the Equality Act 2010, we have been compelled to re-circulate with some amendments a plea to support our campaign to ensure that MPs and members of the Dharmic communities are fully informed of the need to oppose the caste provision.

Dr. Prakash Shah, Director, Dharmic Ideas and Policy Foundation (DIPF) has prepared a briefing document for the Anti-Caste Legislation Committee (ACLC). “The Anti-Caste Legislation Committee is there to urge Ministers and Members of Parliament to repeal the current clause and start a full consultation exercise with Dharmic community groups so that we can have effective legislation that protects citizens and still allows the thousands of Dharmic charities and voluntary groups to continue their outstanding contribution to British society.”

The Equality Act 2010 now makes caste discrimination unlawful (as part of race discrimination) and potentially opens up voluntary and community organisations to litigation concerning acts amounting to caste discrimination. Some of the risks identified by DIPF in relation to the caste discrimination clause are listed at “source” above.