
SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, July 21, 2016 (Hindu American Foundation): In order to ensure an accurate and balanced portrayal of Hinduism and ancient India, Hindu American community members in California are urged to apply to become reviewers for the state’s textbook adoption process. This process, which concludes in 2017, selects new History-Social Science textbooks for grades K-8.

Between now and October 19, the California Department of Education is accepting applications for instructional materials reviewers. If selected, a reviewer would participate in the textbook adoption process next year.

Your feedback would be critical to shaping how Hinduism is viewed in California textbooks for up to the next two decades. Parents, community members, educators living in California are amongst those encouraged to apply.

To apply to become a reviewer, go to the California Department of Education Website:


which fully explains the duties and requirements.

To learn more about the textbook adoption process, contact the Hindu American Foundation at