
CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA, July 28, 2016 (press release): California has recently revised its history Framework for grade VI (equivalent to sixth standard in India). This document outlines what is to be in the textbooks. Sixth grade covers all ancient civilizations and has extensive chapters on Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and other religions, whether living or extinct. Christianity and Islam are covered in seventh grade textbooks (which includes the medieval period), along with the Bhakti movement in Hinduism and the development of Sikhism. The adoption of new textbooks guided by this revised Framework is preceded by extensive public review and comment, allowing for various advocacy groups to revise and improve these textbooks, fix errors and eliminate–or insert–biases.

The Framework section on Ancient India and Hinduism, adopted after a 8-year process, was particularly contentious with some academics arguing to remove “Hinduism” and “India: from the Framework in favor of “religion of ancient India” and “South Asia.” While most references to Hinduism and India were retained, some instances were deleted before the framework was approved by the California Department of Education. The next phase involves the development of textbooks and their review. California is recruiting reviewers: PhDs in history, teachers, parents and concerned citizens can apply without any requirement of residency in California. If you are interested in ensuring the proper representation of India and Hinduism in 6th grade textbooks, please go to where you can learn more about what is happening and how to participate in the process.

These new California textbooks will set the standard for the rest of the country, especially for states which do not have the extensive guidelines California creates for what is to be taught. So even if you are not a California resident, this revision process could very well impact what is taught in your state’s schools.