
PAKISTAN, August 28, 2016 (One News Now): Pakistan’s National Commission for Justice and Peace (NCJP) published a report announcing that the Islamic nation’s government has broken its promise to purge the religious “hate material” from school textbooks, which are plagued with rhetoric used to incite children with rage toward non-Muslims. World Watch Monitor says that the plan to clean up the biased instruction materials was launched as a result of the Pakistani school massacre that took place two years ago.

“When a Taliban attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar in Dec. 2014 led to the loss of least 141 lives, including 132 students, it brought about a policy change in Pakistan,” World Watch Monitor reports. “The government introduced a 20-point National Action Plan to discourage religious extremism and to provide a counter-narrative to promote religious harmony in the country, saying an ‘end to religious extremism and [the] protection of minorities will be ensured.'” Despite assurances that the anti-discrimination plan would be implemented, the “Freedom from Suffocating Education” report issued by NCJP alleges that no adoption of curriculum reforms at the school level has taken place, except for a few booklets that were produced.

The NCJP report cited some other examples of contentious or inflammatory passages in school textbooks: The Class VII Baluchistan Textbook Board book on Urdu says: “The British … feared the Muslims, being the true inheritors of the rule of India, could become a danger for them anytime.” “Another book shows that the accusations against [Mughal Emperor of India] Aurangzeb of bias towards Hindus are purely a fabrication of the narrow-minded Hindus and treacherous British,” says the Punjab Board’s Urdu textbook for “matriculates” (ages 15-16).

The Class V book on Islamic Studies by the Punjab Board states: “The Muslims ruled the Indian subcontinent for about thousand years with magnificence, but they did not forcibly convert a single Hindu. If they had willed, then today there wouldn’t even be a trace of them in the subcontinent. But Muslims showed great tolerance and even raised Hindus to high positions.”

The Punjab Board’s Class VI History book reads: “Most of the population of Delhi consisted of Hindus who considered Muslims strangers. They … were always busy in thinking about getting free from the rule of Muslims. Hindu landlords used various excuses to not pay land revenue and even sometimes descended into revolt. The Hindus were so much encouraged by [Emperor] Akbar’s pro-Hindu policies that they started demolishing mosques and shrines and started building their temples in their place. Wherever Hindus were in majority, they brutalized Muslims.”

Much more of this detailed report at “source” above.