
LONDON, ENGLAND, September 2, 2016 (Press Release, by Satish K. Sharma): The National Council of Hindu Temples (UK) is delighted to inform you that this evening Prime Minister Theresa May’s Conservative Government announced that it is to hold a 12-week Public Consultation on the subject of Caste and the Equality Act 2010. The announcement read: “A key aim of the consultation will be to obtain the views of the public on whether additional measures are needed to ensure victims of caste discrimination have appropriate legal protection and effective remedies under the 2010 Equality Act.”

This is wonderful news for the British Hindu community, who will now have an opportunity to present reliable and comprehensive evidence to a process which should at long last be independent. The last process was deeply flawed, driven through the House of Lords on a wave of emotional manipulation, with evidence being misrepresented and with statistics which were later found to be inflated 48 fold! Peer after Peer accused an entirely innocent British Hindu community and Baroness Flather linked us with “female foetus infanticide” and “dowry killings,” all without evidence, merely hate speech.

One of the most unpleasant aspects of the last “Parliamentary process” was the deliberate fanning of anti-Hindu religious hatred by those allegedly fighting for equality. The repetitive and quite deliberate association of the phrase “Caste discrimination” with the word “Hindu” has made such reprehensible discrimination an assumed truth that “Caste is a Hindu problem” despite the fact that it was forced upon Hindus and India by the tyrants of the British Colonial Raj… who were pursuing the most aggressive pogram of religious conversion ever conceived….

Prime Minister Cameron’s government courageously resisted the whirlwind of emotional manipulation whipped up by those extremist groups who would see a tranquil integrated Hindu community denigrated, disrupted and fragmented for political gain, and it would appear that Prime Minister May’s government is also equally concerned with piercing the dust cloud of hype, spin and untruths in the pursuit of genuine equality and justice. We look forward to participating fully in the forthcoming consultation.