
BRICKFIELDS, MALAYSIA, September 10, 2016 (The Star): Decked out in finery with devotees at his side, Lord Ganesha strolled through the streets of Brickfields on a silver chariot to mark his birthday, the Vinayagar Chathurthi festival. Hindus converged at the Sri Sakthi Karpaga Vinayagar Temple in Jalan Berhala in Brickfields to celebrate the birth of the elephant God, Vinayagar, or Ganesha, as He is commonly known.

For over 50 years, the temple has led the chariot procession on the streets in Brickfields as devotees throng the place to catch a glimpse of Lord Ganesha as it is considered highly auspicious. Celebrations at the temple started as early as 3.30am with a special Homam prayer followed by lunch at the temple grounds as well as the chariot procession that began at 7.30pm. Temple president S.K.K. Naidu said more than 10,000 devotees participated in the day-long festival.

“Lord Ganesha is the remover of obstacles and we usually pray to him before we begin anything special,” he added. The Brickfields Karpaga Vinayagar temple however is considered special because of its rarity. Karpaga Vinayagar is the 33rd form of Lord Ganapathy and his trunk is curled towards his right, a rare depiction. In his hand is the Shiva Linga, a form of Lord Shiva. Naidu said most believe that they are praying to both Gods at once when paying homage to the Karpaga Vinayagar.