
DHAKA, BANGLADESH, November 5, 2016 (DNA): In fresh attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh, unidentified miscreants set ablaze some of their houses and damaged two temples in central Brahmanbarhia district where several places of worship of the minority community were vandalized earlier this week, police said. Miscreants set fire to at least six Hindu houses in a predawn attack yesterday in central Brahmanbarhia district’s Nasirnagar, the place where at least fifteen temples and more than 20 houses were vandaliZed after a Facebook post deemed offensive to Islam sparked outrage in the country.

Many Hindu families have deserted their houses after the attacks on temples and have taken refuge in other areas. Tensions have escalated in the neighborhood after the fresh assault on Friday. Police in overnight drives detained 33 persons for their alleged involvement in the synchronized attacks on Hindus in Brahmanbaria on October 30. With this, police have detained a total of 44 people in connection with the attack, Mizanur Rahman, superintendent of Brahmanbaria police, told The Daily Star.

Meanwhile, hundreds of protesters yesterday rallied in the capital demanding stern action against perpetrators of attacks on Hindus. Several hundred Hindu youths joined by Muslims staged a street protest at central Dhaka’s Shahbagh Square. The protests on Friday prompted newly elected Awami League general secretary and Road Transport Minister Obaidul Quader to reiterate the government’s tougher stance against the culprits promising to bring them to justice quickly.