
NEW YORK, NEW YORK, November 18, 2016 (ISPaD, Sachi G. Dastidar): Several Bengali-Americans in New York, individuals whose families were victims of Partition in the Indian Subcontinent – especially in Bengal – formed a partition documentation project called ISPaD or Indian Subcontinent Partition Documentation Project to save the history and experiences of lost and displaced individuals and families, their villages, their life, and that of survivors and protectors.

ISPaD’s purposes include: a. Collection of personal stories of victims of partition of Indian Subcontinent, and that of survivors and protectors; b. Collection of historical records related to Indian Subcontinent partition; c. Study and documentation of partition-related demographic and social changes; d. To publish, disseminate, share stories and documents for readers in New York and beyond; e. To create bridges among partition victims and non-victims in the Subcontinent and in other countries including the U.S.; f. Organize meetings, seminars, scholarly research; g. Collaborate with established academic studies of displacement and genocide; h. To provide funds for partition documentation projects.