
MAPUSA, GOA, December 26, 2016 (Hindu Existence): Pro-Hindu organizations’ activists met Dr. Geeta Kakodkar, the medical superintendent of Asilo Hospital for demanding prompt action against missionaries of “Believers” who convert Hindu patients taking advantage of their helplessness. Dr. Kakodkar issued instructions to the Chief Manager of the hospital to conduct an inquiry into such incidents taking place in the hospital and keep an eye on the concerned so as to avoid repetition of such incidents.

Representatives of Shiv Sena, Swarajya, Sanskruti Raksha Samiti, Ranaragini, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, Gomantak Mandir and Dharmik Sanstha Mahasangh along with devout Hindus were present on the occasion. A representation with the above demand was submitted to Dr. Geeta Kakodkar. It has been stated in the representation that missionaries from Believers go to Asilo Hospital and try to convert Hindus by telling them they will be cured of their ailments if they pray to Jesus and not pray to Hindu Deities, thus misleading Hindus.