
UNITED KINGDOM, January 9, 2017 (Anti-Caste Legislation Committee, an editorial): You will be aware of the government’s impending consultation on whether the clause on caste in the Equality Act should be implemented. The caste law is being promoted as a way to attack some ordinary but significant aspects of the Indian traditions and will create a great deal of hurt and resentment against the British legal system as well as community cohesion. Even though the caste clause has not been effected, the dangers are already manifest in the unwarranted judicial extension of the case law to caste.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission Study on the caste legislation released in 2014 stated that the Equality Act scope should be applied as widely as possible to caste. In several instances, parliamentarians supporting the law have sought not only to attack what they fictitiously perceive as the hierarchical and oppressive caste system, but they wish to mount an attack on caste wherever they see it.

Those advocating the caste legislation have within their sights ordinary practices within the Indian traditions as their target. The spectre of marriage is often raised as the key to the caste system and thus relentlessly attacked. One academic who indulges in such attacks has previously accused British Indians of practicing “apartheid” through the caste system. They recommended the law should help identify and eliminate marriage practices based on caste.

More at “source” above.