
INDIA, January 24, 2017 (International Journal Dharma Studies, by Drs. G. Anand and S. Menon): A new study of the Tirumandiram, the earliest known Tamil treatise on yoga, while elaborating on its monistic theism and metaphysics, also examines the shared philosophical thoughts between the monistic Kashmir Saivism and Tamil Siddha mystics. It describes Tirumular’s analysis of consciousness, the impurities of egoity (anava), delusion (maya) and karma which hide the soul’s innate divinity as Siva, the types of souls according to the degree by which they are affected by these impurities, the limiting factors (tattvas), the five states of consciousness, and the nine higher states of consciousness with turya, the supreme state beyond waking, dreaming, deep sleep. Kashmir Saiva concepts of souls and states of consciousness are also described and compared with those in the Tirumandiram.

Much more of this lengthy and informative article at “source” above.