
NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK, February 18, 2017 (rubin Museum): OM is central to many Asian religious traditions and has endured for more than three thousand years. The sound has been called “elemental” and “universal,” serving as a preface to prayers and chants. Become a part of the history of this sacred syllable by learning about its importance and then stepping into a recording environment to offer your OM. Your voice will join thousands of others in a chant that will be featured in our forthcoming exhibition The World Is Sound (opening June 16, 2017).

OM is believed to contain the power of all other mantras and the elemental sound of creation. Its three phonetic components (A-U-M) and ensuing silence cover the entire spectrum of the human vocal mechanism, from the throat to the lips. OM is considered the embodiment of the ultimate, omnipotent, and all-pervading essence of existence.