
UNITED STATES, April 14, 2017 (HUA): The Hindu University of America in conjunction with Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America is pleased to present the first Training Course for American Hindu Leaders. “Introduction to Hindu Chaplaincy” is the first of the two courses required to become a Certified Chaplain of the Hindu Faith.

A Hindu Chaplain affiliated with an institution in an official capacity where there are either patients, residents, inmates, employees or students, is an essential part of the Chaplaincy or the Spiritual and Religious Care Department in the institution and should be directly involved in the provision of appropriate, adequate and timely spiritual and religious care for Hindus, those who consider themselves Hindus and any other individuals. The Hindu Chaplain will be involved in a variety of religious, spiritual, educational, administrative and social activities within and outside the institution.

The specialized spiritual and religious needs of those who are either patients, residents, inmates, employees or students and who consider themselves Hindus must be provided by a qualified Hindu Chaplain officially affiliated with the institution housing these individuals. The introductory certification course will be offered as an online course and students will be able to participate in weekly sessions through our state of the art virtual class software. The course will have 12 weeks of online lectures and reading materials which will be posted on a regular basis.

The Certification is comprised of two courses: HNP 6201 Introduction to Hindu Chaplaincy and HNP 6202 Pastoral and Spiritual Counseling Basics. For further information, see “source” above.