
KOLKATA, INDIA, April 18, 2017 (Times of India):

HPI Note: We run this article only as an example of the Hindu bashing one can find in the Indian press. Vastu Shastra is unquestionably Hindu, encompassing not only the architecture of temples, palaces and houses, but town and village planning in such scriptures as the Saiva Kamika Agama, and in a thoroughly religious manner.

The article reads in part:

“There is no reason to think that teaching rudiments of Vastu Shastra in architecture classrooms is akin to saffronisation, felt teachers of the subject at top institutions of the state. In fact, Vastu studies should be consciously divorced from religion, they argued.

“Applauding IIT-Kharagpur’s decision to introduce Vastu studies in its curriculum, leading architects said the knowledge of Vastu was essential especially in the context of global warming. The very word Vastu smacks of Hindu fundamentalism because this ancient Indian science has been hijacked by religious pundits, senior faculty members felt, but there’s definitely a scientific basis to this ancient Indian knowledge, which should be promoted for the sake of environment protection.

“TOI on Monday reported how the country’s oldest and largest IIT will be softly introducing budding architects of the undergraduate first and second-years to Vastu in the design and history of architecture classes. To the post-graduate students and research scholars of infrastructure at the Ranabir and Chitra Gupta School, a premier design school on campus, Vastu will be taught more intensively and in a phased manner, confirmed senior faculty Joy Sen.”