
KLANG, MALAYSIA, April 28, 2017 (Malaysian Digest): The Sri Sundararaja Perumal Temple, which is the first Hindu temple in Malaysia to be built from granite blocks, will be consecrated in a historic ceremony expected to draw over 100,000 worshippers on Sunday. Temple president S. Ananda Krishna said the temple underwent a US$2.3 million reconstruction and renovation works which took eight years.

“The ceremony this Sunday is seen as symbolic as it marks the start of the temple as a tourist attraction for Klang and Malaysia,” he told reporters here. Ananda Krishna said the temple is unique as the fine carvings on the granite slabs were specially designed by skilled craftsmen from India. The Klang Sundararaja Perumal Temple, originally built in 1890, is among the oldest Vaishnavite temple in Southeast Asia and the first temple in the country to receive the ISO 9001:2008 certification for efficient administration.