
KATHMANDU, NEPAL, April 30, 2017 (Kathmandu Post): While the country witnessed many political turn of events on Sunday, the centuries-old religious tradition of chariot procession dedicated to Rato Machhindranath commenced in Lalitpur on Sunday. The chariot procession that began from Pulchok in Lalitpur will conclude after a month when the chariot crosses the Bungamati River in Lalitpur. Another festival called Bhoto Jatra will be held on the day of its conclusion.

The festival saw the hundreds of jovial participants who enthusiastically pulled the chariot made of a large wooden edifice of about 65 ft. in height and 15 ft. in diameter–upholding the culture and tradition. The chariot houses various reincarnations of Rato Machhindranath, also known as Rain God, and other Hindu Deities.

Excellent chariot and festival photos at “source” above.