
CHILE, April 30, 2017 (HPI translated from Spanish): “I believe in God and believe in Goddesses, and in the intelligence of the universe. An energy that transcends us. And yes, I have faith,” says Paula Narvaez, Government General Secretariat minister in Chile, in an interview with her that was recently published in Chile’s top women’s magazine, coincidentally named Paula. A portion of the interview continues:

Reporter: A necklace with an “Om” accompanies you almost daily.
Paula: It is a necklace that I sent for when I returned from India, where I went to study English and look for a different cultural order that defied my Western mind, which is so formatted by truths that we take for granted. I needed to see the world from another perspective. India, and the East in general, gives that possibility. It seems super important as part of one’s development to go to a place where you do not know anyone, where nobody speaks your language, where you have no references, where you are a completely anonymous and see what happens there. Realizing that one is nobody in the universe allows all things to fit together in a more sensible, more proportionate, less dramatic way. India delivers that to you immediately.

Reporter: What is your relationship with the Hindu Temple of Santiago?
Paula: When I returned from India, marked by that experience, I wanted to continue cultivating the things that I learned there and I found this center that is now in Alcantara and before it was in Nunoa. One day I knocked on the door, I took off my shoes and Mahraj Ravi Kewlani made me come in, he told me that he came to Chile with his family and I started to participate in some ceremonies with them. Every so often I go back, we converse over some real chai tea and I have the presence of Ganesha.