Paras Ramoutar

PORT-OF-SPAIN, TRINIDAD/TOBAGO, June 14, 2017 (HPI): Indian High Commissioner, Shri Bishwadip Dey has launched a series of activities in Trinidad and Tobago marking International Yoga Day. He told scores of guests and media personnel at the Normandie Hotel that yoga is an invaluable gift of Indian ancient tradition for over 6,000 years, and this was recognized world-wide when 193 members of the United Nations passed a resolution on December 11th 2004 declaring June 21 as International Day of Yoga (IDY).

The Yoga Meditation Society will organize, “108 Surya Namaskar” at the National Council of Indian Culture’s (NCIC) Divali Nagar on Thursday June 15. There will be a yoga awareness campaign by schools from June 17 to 26, yoga exercise at the Board Walk Chaguaramas on June 18, and a yoga fest at Divali Naga on Sunday June 25, from 9.30.a.m Dey said that this year’s program is organized by the High Commission of India with the United Nations, the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and the International Day of Yoga Committee.