
SIEMAN, YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA, June 28, 2017 (ANTARA News) – Former US president Barack Obama is scheduled to visit the Prambanan Temple on the outskirt of Yogyakarta on Thursday during his vacation in Indonesia, an official said on Wednesday. The management of Prambanan Temple has tasked an archaeologist of the Yogyakartas Cultural Heritage Preservation Agency, Wahyu Astuti, to serve as a guide for Obama and his family during their visit to the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia.

As a guide for Obama, Astuti will focus on the importance of the temple rather than the history behind it. “The temple is a very special historical heritage. It is a masterpiece of the Indonesian ancestors. This masterpiece is second to none in the world,” Astuti stated. The Obamas arrived in Bali on Friday last week on a nine-day trip to Indonesia.