
KENYA, July 22, 2017 (Daily Nation): President Uhuru Kenyatta has gazetted the recognition of the Kenyans of Indian descent as the 44th tribe in Kenya and invited them to participate in the political, economic, cultural and social development of the nation. Acting Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i, who made the announcement on Saturday on behalf of the president, noted the community’s great sense of civic duty and its key role in setting up learning and health institutions, which he noted, serve to supplement the government initiatives.

“The Head of State acknowledges that the Kenyan Asian’s contribution to Kenya has its roots at the dawn of our Nation,” Mr. Matiang’i spoke yesterday on the stairs of Harambee house, which houses the office of the president. In mid-May, 2017, the community requested the formal recognition through a petition to the president. “On consideration of the petition, His Excellency the President opined that the petition merits action. In this regard, we are gathered here this morning to honour the requests by handing over the presidential proclamation that grants the community their wishes,” he said.

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