
INDIA, August 5, 2017 (Government Press Release): More than a century ago, when Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from South Africa, he had not seen a spinning wheel- charkha- but during the Swadeshi movement, he meticulously spun khadi into the national life style. Now, khadi is in vogue again. Presenting statistics of khadi products sales, during last three years, the khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) has reported nearly 33 per cent growth in sale of khadi products to approx. US$315 million in the fiscal 2016-17 from $237 million a year ago.

Known for natural luster and rough texture, khadi strands of late have turned livewire ever since Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched khadi promotion blitz in his radio talk show three years ago. He has since hardly lost an opportunity to sell the khadi. He frequently articulates his penchant for khadi and directly signals to governments at the Centre and states as well as to the common public that the khadi must be promoted with spirit of nationalism. khadi is a cloth woven by hand using handspun yarn only. Natural fibers namely cotton, wool and silk are used in the production.