
INDIA, August 18, 2017 (NDTV by Gunjan Bajaj): A symbol of prosperity, a magical ingredient of Ayurveda and an important part of religious customs and traditions, the refreshing and evergreen creeper, commonly known as Paan Patta, holds a special place in Hindu tradition. Native to South-East Asia, betel leaves are as important as the sacred Tulsi plant which is worshiped in many households. But we never think of the reasons behind the connection of betel leaf with many traditions despite the fact that it is used in almost every religious custom.

In South India in a region known as Old Mysore, it is a tradition to offer two betel leaves to the guests on every auspicious occasion. Also, a betel nut and a coin are placed on a betel leaf to be offered as dakshina for priests and elders in South India. Likewise, Assamese offer a betel leaf to guests after having a meal. It is a custom to chew paan ke patte especially after meals as it acts as a digestive. Betel leaves are also used to embellish the Kalash (pot) used for performing various religious rituals as it purifies the water.

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