Paras Ramoutar

PORT-OF-SPAIN ,TRINIDAD, October 7, 2017 (by Paras Ramoutar, special to HPI): “Hindu Symbolism” is the theme for the 31st edition of the annual Divali Nagar which commences on Monday Oct. 4 to Tuesday Oct. 17 with a network of cultural, religious and social activities, according to Surujdeo Mangaroo, public relations officer, National Council of Indian culture (NCIC). And as precursor to this eight-day programme was the staging of the yagna officiated by Pundit Abhedanand Persad Sharma which concluded on Wednesday October 4. Mangaroo said that the Chief Guest for the opening night is Paramacharya Pundit Hardeo Persad, spiritual head of SWAHA International. Of special importance for Divali Nagar 2017, will be the marking of the centenary of the abolition of Indian indentureship the world over, March 1917-March 2017.

Mangaroo said that Hinduism employs the art of symbolism with amazing effect. “No religion is so replete with symbols as this ancient religion, and all Hindus are touched by this all-pervasive symbolism through life in some way or the other. Basic Hindu symbolism is enunciated in the Dharmashastras, but much of it is developed with the evolution of its unique way of life.” “Each Hindu symbol has a different meaning and issued on different occasions. There are many symbols in the Hindu religion that represent its teachings and deities. Head and body symbols are called “mudras” while iconic symbols are called, “murtis”.

His Excellency, President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Anthony Carmona and Mrs. Reema Harrysingh-Carmona will be attending on Monday Oct. 16. Mangaroo pointed out that in excess of 100,000 patrons will attend the Nagar in 2017, and expects visitors from Europe, England, Canada, USA, India, Jamaica, Guyana, Suriname, Grenada, Martinique and Guadeloupe.