
SOUTH AFRICA, December 6, 2017 (IOL): Ten years ago, on December 10, Swami Sahajananda, the spiritual head of the Divine Life Society of South Africa, passed away after guiding, inspiring and shaping the lives of thousands for 58 years. In commemoration, the society will celebrate his life with a Ganga arati from 6am followed by breakfast at 6.45am. The society will also distribute 1,000 grocery hampers to needy families and the book, Priceless Jewels, Volume 4, containing letters by Sri Swami Sivananda to Swami Sahajananda, will be released.

Since 1974, Swami Sahajananda initiated almost 300 projects for disadvantaged people, comprising schools, creches, peace and skills training centres, housing for the underprivileged, children’s homes, clinics and community halls. Liberal financial contributions were also made to about 40 temple organisations and institutions in South Africa and institutions abroad. He was equally concerned about the decline in social values and disseminated the teachings of Sri Swami Sivananda on correct conduct and ethical values through books and pamphlets. Inspired by his example, the society inaugurated the Sivananda Free Book Distribution to schools.