PORT-OF_SPAIN, TRINIDAD, February 13, 2018 (Paras Ramoutar): Against the deafening songs of calypso, soca, steelpan and mas revelers marking the closing day of the annual Carnival, a pre-Lenten festival, devout Hinduism in this oil-rich economy observed Shivaratri with reverence and devotion in over 400 mandirs and thousands of homes across the country. Twenty-five percent of Trinidad and Tabago’s population of 1.4 million are Hindus.

For the past weeks, there have been scores of Lord Shiva yagnas, pujas and religious activities. Homes were properly cleansed and bhajans to Lord Shiva echoed across the land, whilst several radio stations with exclusive East Indian programing hosted sessions dedicated to Lord Shiva. It was a full night of devotion as mandirs opened their doors for devotees who kept vigil and made offerings: the milk of pure devotion, the ghee of pure thoughts, the water of pure knowledge, the milk-curd of pure actions, the honey of pure character, as well as bael leaves, black sesame seeds, among other ingredients. The core point of the devotion was the continuous chanting of “Om Namah Shivaaya.” And as this mantra was echoed, this nation had become a national shrine.

According to Pundit Ramesh Tiwari, spiritual leader of the Edinburgh Hindu Temple, the Lingam (stone emblem) is the focus of worship during Shivaratri: “This holy symbol represents the formless aspect of God. ” Hindus principally in Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Suriname pay special obeisance reverence to Lord Shiva. “In our observance, especially in Trinidad, let us pray for the peace, good governance, law and order, and let Lord Shiva intervene and ward off the critical murder rates,”
Pundit Tiwari thundered.

From as early as 4 p.m. on Tuesday, devotees begun the trek to mandirs and other public places of worship. There was a marked difference to this year’s observance, as youth participation showed up heavily which augurs well for the future of Hinduism, as there is a growing presence of Pentecostal Assemblies bent on conversion in the country. Gifts and sweets were handed out to devotees as a mark of love, devotion and respect to each other.