
INDIA, March 1, 2018 (The Hindu): It is never too late to start learning Srimad Bhagavad Gita. Members of the team that built the website believe in this as they add their attempt to numerous prior ones by so many others in bringing Bhagavan Sri Krishna’s Kurukshetra upadesa closer to a seeker. What perhaps differentiates this free-online-access, user-friendly effort is the combination of features, in short, RSTU — Repeat audio at a line-level instead of verse-level, Search Text at a letter-level in 10 scripts, Sandhi resolution between audio and text, create playlists Unique to your requirements. In its web version, indexed search-friendly text is available in Devanagari and eight other national scripts — Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Gujarati, Bengali, Oriya, Gurmukhi — in addition to two English transliteration schemes.

“This is by no means the first effort to enable online learning of recitation of the Gita,” clarifies Megh Kalyanasundaram, a management professional on a research hiatus and architect of the website. “This is an attempt to complement existing ecosystem of free tools, with RSTU features, for greater ease-of-learning, higher learning effectiveness and deeper, more granular engagement with the text as such,” he adds. “It is best learnt directly from a qualified Guru; when that is not possible or even for self-practice, some learners may at times approach websites,” adds Megh.