
INDIA, April 17, 2018 (Basenotes by Krishnaraj Iyengar): Like the crest is to the wave, or the leaf is to the tree, incense is the soul of Indian fragrance heritage. A common binding thread between faiths, cultures and peoples within the boundaries of this ancient land, incense is truly, the scent of the Indian soul. India is said to have pioneered the art of making perfume from naturally fragrant ingredients, a tradition that dates back several millennia, to the Vedas– the world’s first revealed scriptures– and to the ancient Indus Valley Civilization. Fragrance has been one of the greatest aids to worship and innumerable ancient spiritual and mystical Indic traditions have employed fragrance as a medium of connection between the spirit and its creator.

Apart from distillate extracts of agarwood, sandalwood and flowers, India also pioneered the art and science of making incense, an elixir that fragrances the space through the combustion of fragrant materials with aromas permeating through smoke. One leader in the art of traditional Indian incense is Vikram Shah of Vedic Vaani, specializing in incense and spiritual products. Owing to the spiritual significance of incenses, he strongly believes that their scent can cleanse the inner body and evoke positive energy and spirituality. “Incenses are a worshipper’s best friends. Their inexplicable magic can transform our consciousness, bringing us closer to God, heal the mind and thoughts that emerge from it” he says.

Much more on the art and science of making incense at “source” above.