
MAURITIUS, April 14, 2018 (Curren Triggers): One of Mauritius’ finest hotels, the five-star Residence Mauritius, is in a soup for asking an employee to not sport a Tika (bindi, forehead mark) for hygienic purposes. The staffer, however, received support from Hindu groups who plan to hold a prayer session on the beach near The Residence Mauritius on April 15th. As people woke up to the news, many started giving negative reviews to the hotel on Facebook, following which the rating section has been disabled.

But The Residence Mauritius, on its part, is sticking to its stand that not only has it always respected the legislation in force in the country but, in fact, right from the induction process (professional initiation of a personnel into its fold), all teams have been informed of the dress code. The Residence Mauritius also stated that the issue of visible religious symbols is addressed by telling the employees about exercising discretion. For example, the sindoor or the mangalsutra are allowed, but not tika. In Mauritius, 49% of the population are Hindus.