
ATLANTA, GEORGIA, July 11, 2018 ( From July 1 to July 10, 2018, the BAPS North American Youth Convention (NAYC18) in Atlanta, Georgia saw over 10,000 youth and supporting volunteers in attendance over three conventions with a focus on the theme of Moksha, ultimate liberation. Youth volunteers spent years planning the content and logistics of a convention of this magnitude. The convention was divided into three parts for different age groups: July 1 – 4: Students in grades 3 to 8; July 4 – 7: High School students; July 7 – 10: College students.

The concept of Moksha can seem irrelevant to youths given the carefree nature of being young. However, the idea will be presented in a practical and pertinent manner. Focus on the importance of a sense of purpose, sincere effort, genuine intent and actions, prayer and introspection, and respect for the world around us allowed the youth to realize that things that benefit them in their lives today are also stepping stones towards Moksha.

Skits presented everyday situations youths experience and explored realistic inner conflict of characters struggling with choices between their desires and values. Interspersed talks by BAPS Swamis provided spiritual guidance through inspiring examples and actionable steps while also providing validation of the challenges youths face. The skits highlighted the benefits and importance of achieving inner satisfaction through making decisions in line with pleasing their gurus, His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj and His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj.

Small group sessions provided an opportunity to connect with one another and share experiences and means that their peers utilize to guide their choices. In addition, Pujya Anandswarupdas Swami and Pujya Ishwarcharandas Swami shared their wisdom and inspired positive actions through examples from the lives of the BAPS guru parampara.

Much more information at “source” above.