
TRINIDAD/TOBAGO, November 30, 2018 (Newsday): Dharmacharya and President General and Spiritual Head of the Maha Sabha, His Holiness Shri Uttam Maharaj died on Thursday morning at the age of 70. Opposition Leader Kamla Persad Bissessar remembered Pundit Maharaj as an advocate for peace and harmony and said she was saddened by his passing. “Pundit Maharaj was known for his humility, calm demeanor, and as a kind person who was always willing to help those in need, or to offer sage advice.”

Having served as Spiritual Head of the Maha Sabha for more than 13 years, Persad-Bissessar said he made immense contributions to TT, recalling that he spent a great part of his life as an educator in his hometown of Rousillac and throughout the country, teaching Hindi, Music and Sanskrit. She said he was a firm believer in the important role education plays in ensuring children are instilled with positive values and learn important life skills to become productive citizens of the nation. “Pundit Maharaj will be missed, and it is my hope that his legacy of devotion to his faith and service to people will live on. As a religious and spiritual leader, he called on people of all faiths and backgrounds to live in harmony. His message is important, as there is a great need for our citizens to unite and work together to develop our nation and shape a brighter and stronger future for us all.”