KAUAI, HAWAII, December 24, 2018 (HPI): Hinduism Today’s reporter and photographer will be covering the upcoming Kumbha Mela in Prayagraj. The event from January 15 to March 4, 2019, is expected to be massive, with estimates now being heard that more than 100 million pilgrims will attend over its nearly three month run. Hinduism Today itself will be present in the latter part of January, with a focus on interviews of the major saints and sadhus present. We’re requesting our readers to send us questions they would like asked of the famous and not-so-famous seers who will be present. A central purpose of the Mela is for the saints to gather, evaluate the status of dharma in the world and offer observations and advice on how mankind can improve. Questions can range from the philosophical to the practical, with no subject “off the table.” It will be several years before we will again have access to such collective wisdom.

Questions can be sent directly to the managing editor, Acharya Arumuganathaswami at ar@hindu.org.