
NEW DELHI, INDIA, May 21, 2019 (Prensa Latina, translated from Spanish): A Cuban delegation from the Ministry of Public Health paid a working visit to India to learn about the experiences of applying different modalities of traditional medicine in that populous country. Specialists and officials headed by Vice Minister Alfredo Gonzalez traveled from Havana with the purpose of broadening ties in this sector with India, which has an ancient medical tradition. Cuba has been strengthening and developing different techniques of Traditional and Natural Medicine in the Health sector, in line with the guidelines emanating from the 6th and 7th congresses of the Communist Party of Cuba, indicated Gonzalez in statements in New Delhi to Prensa Latina. India is a country with a rich culture that enhanced different techniques of Traditional Medicine, the doctor pointed out.

He recalled that during the last two years, some steps have been taken and several agreements and memoranda of understanding were signed between the Cuban Ministry of Public Health and the Ayush and Health and Family Welfare portfolios of India. Gonzalez assured that several modalities of Natural and Traditional Medicine have been practiced in Cuba as a therapeutic option within the reach of medical professionals, to treat a wide range of diseases, with a growing acceptance in patients and with undoubted benefits to health. Therefore, the introduction of modalities of Natural and Traditional Medicine of India will allow continuing the development of this area on the island, he added.