
U.S., MAY 7, 2019 (Swarajyamag by Aravindan Neelakandan): Belgian Indologist Dr. Koenraad Elst is a dangerous scholar. With a cruel pleasure the establishment media and mediocre scholars bracket him with crackpots and zealots. Interestingly, both the establishment Hindutva side (as far as that exists) as well as the newly emerging Internet Hindutva types are not exactly comfortable with him. Nevertheless, when the dust settles, his books will stand as invaluable testimony and source to express the Hindutva side of things in the most honest manner possible. Blunt but honest. His latest book “Still No Trace of an Aryan Invasion” ( Aryan Books International, 2018) is a significant addition to the Aryan invasion/migration (AIT/AMT) and out-of-India theory (OIT) debates. There are 30 essays in this collection. These include in-depth analyses of issues related to caste, ethnicity and race, and book reviews, and rejoinders.

An in-depth review can be read at “source”.