
UNITED STATES, July 10, 2019 (YouTube): John Cleese interviews Dr. Jim Tucker regarding research at the University of Virginia into children’s past life memories. 2,500 cases have been documented since the early 60’s. In the strongest cases there is verification that the children’s statements match with a past life. For verification they start with the child’s side and then examine the previous life side. The children typically recount a recent ordinary life and present knowledge that they have no ordinary means of obtaining. This research is in continuation of the work of Ian Stevenson.

The project developed not so much from an examination of the religious belief in reincarnation but from the fact that children will spontaneously start describing an past life, generally startling the parents and sometimes resulting in consultation with a child psychiatrist, which is Dr. Tucker’s field.

This interesting video can be viewed at “source” above as well as several additional videos that detail individual cases.