
UNITED STATES, July 19, 2019 (Facebook): Even the most skeptical would be surprised to know the case of Catherine, a patient of Brian Weiss whose case is exposed in his best-selling Spanish language book Muchas Vidas, Muchos Maestros (Many Lives, Many Teachers). In an interview with Adela Micha, the doctor and psychiatrist points out that he induced the patient to a state of relaxation that made her go back in time. When he believed that the patient would go to memories of her childhood, her regression led her to 3,500 years ago, to an ancient civilization. In further sessions Catherine would speak of 10 to 12 additional lives. Adela Micha interviews psychiatrist and writer Brian Weiss about what it meant to address the issue of past lives in his 40 years of professional work in the 58 minute video at “source.”