
CHENNAI, INDIA, August 15, 2019 (Press Release): The Center for Soft Power has undertaken a project to document those performing artists from Chennai who have acted as India’s Soft Power Assets globally. This project will take the form of interviews with 30 of Chennai’s most internationally recognized performing artists, and will look at their journeys and how they have spread Indian culture through their art, at the global level. All videos have English subtitles wherever Tamil has been spoken. The videos are both entertaining and informative.

Six interviews have been posted so far:

1. Vikku Vinayakram, Ghatam Maestro, someone who has a school in Japan, performed in UN, etc:

2. Rajhesh Vaidya, Veena Maestro, the only country where he has not performed is Japan:

3. Lydian Nadhaswaram, Child Piano Prodigy, the winner of the World’s Best Global Talent Competition:

4. Vishaka Hari, an exponent on Indian storytelling form also known as Harikatha, she travels to 13 countries annually, an integral aspect of our soft power story in India:

5. Renjith – Vijna, a young dance couple with expertise in Bharatanatyam:

6. Shashank Subramanyam. He is a Grammy-nominated flute player: