
KAUAI, HAWAII, September 9, 2019 (Himalayan Academy Publications): Today we are officially announcing the version 2.0 release of our free Spiritual Workout App. The app was inspired by Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami’s publisher’s desk article, “The Ten Minute Spiritual Workout.” While today nearly everyone appreciates the need for daily exercise to stay fit and healthy, many don’t realize the need to maintain a balanced spiritual life through daily practices. The Spiritual Workout is designed primarily for Hindus who would like to maintain a daily spiritual practice, but who might not have much time to give to spiritual well-being.

The app has four main areas: worship, introspection, affirmation and study. The Worship section includes mantras, chants and a Ganesha Puja (including audio files for learning). The Introspection section includes “Aum” chanting, a simple breathing exercise and a guided meditation. The Affirmation section presents several affirmations which can be repeated to positively reprogram one’s subconscious mind, and the Study section makes available some of Himalayan Academy’s important publications. There is a “10 Minute Sadhana” section which organizes these four areas, as well as a Hatha Yoga section and a simple timer for use in your own custom spiritual practice.

For the free iOS and Android versions, click “source” above.

NOTE: Android users might not see an update for several days due to the Google Play Store managing a high volume of app updates on a daily basis.

Read the original Ten Minute Spiritual Workout article here: