TIRUVANNAMALAI, INDIA, December 10, 2019 (The Hindu): Hundreds of thousands of devotees thronged Tiruvannamalai to witness the lighting of the Karthigai Deepam on Tuesday. As the clock struck 6 p.m., the fire was lit by devotees in the more than five-foot-tall Kopparai (cauldron or vessel used for lighting) filled with ghee and camphor, atop the 2,668-foot-high hill. The District Administration has restricted the passes to climb the Annamalai hill to 2,500 persons as per a court order issued a few years ago. The dark side of the Annamalai glowed like a ball of fire as thousands of devotees cheered in absolute devotion, Annaimalaiyanukku Harohara.
The 10-day Brahmotsavam of Sri Arunchaleswarar Temple began on December 1 with the hoisting of the flag. On Tuesday, the day began with a puja followed by lighting of Bharani Deepam at the temple at 4 a.m. According to official estimates, 4,000 to 5,000 people were allowed inside the temple for Bharani Deepam. Prior to the lighting of the Maha Deepam, a statue of Vinayakar was taken out in a procession followed by those of Muruga, Arunachaleswarar, Unnamulaiamman, Chandikeswarar and Ardhanareeswarar. The Maha Deepam was lit at 6 p.m. It will be kept alive for 11 days, with the help of 925 gallons of ghee and a thread made of a 1,095-yard cloth.