
HYDERABAD, INDIA, August 9, 2017 (YouTube): HPI Note: The video is from 2017 and gives a good overview of the project. The statue itself is in place, but with the surrounding construction in various stages of completion. For current information go to:

Sri Ramanujacharya’s statue near Hyderabad in Telangana is the second biggest statue in the world. Tridandi Srimannarayana Ramanuja China Jeeyar, who heads the Sri Tridandi Strimannarayana Ramanuja Mutt, called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi and invited him to unveil the 216-ft. metallic statue of philosopher-saint Ramanujacharya that was being put up to commemorate the 1,000th birth anniversary of the saint next year. Called the Statue of Equality, it would be taller than the Statue of Liberty in New York by 65 ft.

See the stunning youtube video at “source”.