
TEXAS, USA, MARCH 11, 2012 (YouTube): In this talk, Raj Vedam deep dives in ancient southern history and demolishes the Dravidian claims in favor of a pan-Indian identity. He analyzes the latest available papers on genetics, archaeology (2019), and roundup along with past evidence of what they imply for the ancient history of India.

About the speaker: – Dr. Raj Vedam, MSEE, PhDEE, works at the confluence of applied mathematics, engineering, algorithms, and computer science. Using tools of archeo-genetics, archeo- astronomy and archaeology, and evidence of knowledge transfers from ancient India, the speaker has put forward a strong thesis with verifiable facts, on the antiquity of the Indian Civilisation, and the many discoveries made my the ancients. Dr. Raj Vedam is a co-founder of the think-tank, Indian History Awareness and Research, and resides in Houston, Texas.